For car owners looking for an autoglass replacement, look no further than Comglasco Aguila Glass. They provide a diverse range of autoglass that exceeds industry standards, is tailored to various vehicle models, and is sourced globally. Comglasco’s skilled installers ensure accurate installation for maximum safety and protection while driving.



Comglasco Aguila Glass offers high-quality autoglass designed for maximum protection against natural elements and road hazards.

Comglasco’s autoglass products are recognized for their high standards and come with the Philippine Standard Mark of Quality and Import Commodity Clearance certification.

Their selection autoglass provides a clear and undistorted view of the road for safe and comfortable driving experience.

Customers can find replacement glass for vehicles manufactured in the United States, Europe, or Asia.

Comglasco’s product line of windshields or windscreens is made of safety glass with different classifications, such as clear tempered glass (CT) and clear laminated (CL) glass.

  1.   Clear Tempered Glass (CT) – is a type of safety glass used as the windshield, side, and back windows of most automobiles. It is manufactured through a controlled thermal or chemical treatment to increase its strength and durability. A tempering process balances internal stresses which cause the glass, when broken, to crumble into small granular chunks instead of splintering into jagged shards. The small pieces of glass are less likely to cause injury in the event of an accident. 
    • Fully Tempered Glass – shatters easily and is grainy “butilbutil” in appearance.
    • Zone Tempered Glass – required by the DTI. When shattered, this glass crumbles and collapses into tiny pieces producing chunks of glass that are not sharp. Our ICC marking validates the glass has met the DTI’s quality standard.
  2. Clear Laminated Glass (CL)—When cracked or chipped, this glass will leave a line or “spider web” pattern without actually breaking into shards. It is toughened glass that is clear or colored and comes in 4.5mm to 6mm thicknesses.

Their Windshield dimensions vary from 227mm to 2.210 mm, and different color options are available.


  1.   GTN—Green Tinted No Shade
  2.   CLN—Clear Laminated No Shade
  3.   GGN—Green Color Green Shade
  4.   GBN—Green Color Blue Shade

Comglasco also offers various accessories, such as a black ceramic print, mirror base, light sensor, rain sensor and camera, to enhance the driving experience.


  • Black Ceramic Print (W/C)
    • Covers black adhesive
    • Smart and attractive
  • Mirror Base (W/M)
    • Innovation for modern vehicles that allows the front view mirror to be affixed to the windshield.
    • Button for rear view mirror attached to the windshield.
  • Light Sensor
    • Sensor located on the windshield that automatically turns on headlights when entering a darkened area.
  • Rain Sensor (W/R) and Camera
    • Sensor that automatically turns on wipers when drops of water hit windshield
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